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Watch S2: Ep 1: The Salty Flavor

Watch S2: Ep 1: The Salty Flavor

S2: Ep 1: The Salty Flavor

Confucius Was A Foodie Season 2 • 53m

Up Next in Confucius Was A Foodie Season 2

  • S2: Ep 2: Tea Culture, Celebration & ...

    The story of tea starts in China, where legend has it that tea was discovered through leaves accidentally falling into boiling water, and continues all the way to the traditional Chinese wedding tea ceremony and the political intrigues of the American Revolution.

    Christine brings along celebri...

  • S2: 3: Huaiyang - The Cuisine of Poets

    Chef Cushing discovers that Huaiyang cuisine is historically connected to poets and scholars, and demands meticulous knife skills and elaborate presentations. The cuisine appears to be a personification of the teachings of Confucius. The creative presentation of skillfully combined ingredients ex...

  • S2: Episode 4: The Origin of ‘Cuisine’

    Is Chinese cuisine, with its Confucian structure, really the origin of the world’s great cuisines? Find out in this episode.